Enneagram Type 9 (Peacemaker, Mediator): Motivations, Fears, Growth Tips

Basic Fear
Basic Motivation
Passion / Vice
Key Strength
Emotional Outlook
Communication Style
In Relationships
At Their Best
At Their Worst
Possible Addictions
Holy Ideas

What are the Strengths of Enneagram Type 9?

What are the Weaknesses of Enneagram Type 9?

Which Triads does Enneagram Type 9 belong to?

Centers of Intelligence:Heart Center/Feeling Center
Object Relations:Attachment
Hornevian Groups:Assertives

How is Enneagram Type 9 at Work?

What are Good Careers for Enneagram 9?

Enneagram 9 Celebrities

Enneagram 9 Fictional Characters

How is Enneagram Type 9 in Love & Relationships?

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 1 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 3 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 4 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 5 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 6 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 7 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 8 Relationship

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 9 Relationship

What are the Wings of Enneagram Type 9?

Enneagram 9w1

Enneagram 9w8

How is an Enneagram Type 9 in childhood?

How is an Enneagram Type 9 as a parent?

What is the Disintegration Point (or Stress Point) of Enneagram Type 9?

What is the Integration Point (or Security Point) of Enneagram Type 9?

What are the developmental levels of Enneagram Type 9?

How is a healthy Enneagram Type 9?

1. Enneagram Type 9, Level 1: The

2. Enneagram Type 9, Level 2: The

3. Enneagram Type 9, Level 3: The

How is an average Enneagram Type 9?

4. Enneagram Type 9, Level 4: The

5. Enneagram Type 9, Level 5: The

6. Enneagram Type 9, Level 6: The

How is an unhealthy Enneagram Type 9?

7. Enneagram Type 9, Level 7: The

8. Enneagram Type 9, Level 8: The

9. Enneagram Type 9, Level 9: The

Source: Personality Types by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson

What are growth tips for Enneagram Type 9?

What are the Enneagram 9 Subtypes (Instinctual Variants)?

Self Preservation 9 (SP9)

Social 9 (SO9)

Sexual 9 (SX4)

Source: Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram by John Luckovich

What are the Misidentifications or Mistypings for Enneagram Type 9?

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 1 misidentification

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 2 misidentification

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 3 misidentification

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 4 misidentification

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 5 misidentification

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 6 misidentification

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 7 misidentification

Enneagram Type 9 and Type 8 misidentification

Source: Understanding the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso

What is the Ego Fixation of Enneagram Type 9?

What is the Temptation of Enneagram Type 9?

What is the Passion of Enneagram Type 9?

What is the Virtue of Enneagram Type 9?

What are the Holy Ideas of Enneagram Type 9?